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Music: All that Noise Around Us.

March 23, 2013

RadioI am fascinated with music. I don’t really know when I first fell in love with music. It may come from when I was little; my mother would keep the television on CMT where they played music videos all day. It may come from when I sang in the shower, making up lyrics as I went along. My love for music may come from me singing on the swings, or even from me dancing in front of the TV every time Toby Keith’s song “How Do You Like Me Know?,” came on.

No matter where my love of music came from it has moved from genre to genre,voice to voice, and sound to sound. My first love was country music. Coming from a down hard Tennessean, that shouldn’t surprise you. I found the acoustic guitar, fiddle, and banjo uplifting. The lyrics also intrigue me, for they have realistic down home meanings that anyone can relate to.

My second love was pop. I found this wonderful genre from a famous country singer gone pop, also known as Taylor Swift. I felt the new-found music being easy to dance to, and something otherworldly. Even though their lyrics weren’t as easy to relate to, they strongly possess the urge to live your life and have fun along the way. The majority of my early middle school years I found myself submerged within pop music.

My third love has newly appeared. Just within the past year I have found my heart and feet drawn to alternative, emo-pop, and punk music. Now, I know what you are thinking, punk, and emo-pop  is for “hooligans.” I would have to say i disagree. Emo-pop, alternative, and punk are a mixture of many genres to make their own. One “punk/indie” band is NeverShoutNever. Within their music they utilize the sound of the ukulele, banjo, drums, tambourine, guitar, and harmonica. They blended the sound of bluegrass and country with pop and rock-n-roll.  Another band that has an unique sound is Panic! at the Disco. They combine thoughtful lyrics with heavy beats, and beautiful melodies.

But even though I have fallen in love with many kinds of music, I look at music in a very perspective matter. I say that most people think of music being that sound coming through the radio. I feel as though music doesn’t always come from a radio, a Cd, or even a TV. I think that some music can be found all around us. Music may be the rustling the wind makes when it passes through the trees. Music may be the sound of footsteps walking across the floor. Music may even be the silence that is sometimes so dear to a person’s ears.

Music is not only the sound coming through the speakers. Music is the noise all around us.

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  1. kiwibird2 permalink

    I really love the sound of thunderstorms. And Panic!. 🙂

  2. I love Panic! at the disco also!!!!! I also like the sound of fallen leaves when you step on them.

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